Friday, October 25, 2019

Niuean Language Week

Last week we celebrated Niuean language. We did a lot of activities as a school such as, sports competitions, Q n A questions on the Niuean culture and end of week performances. It was so much fun learning about Niuean language. The theme for Niuean language week was Tokiofa, ofania, mokoina e vagahau Niue. Treasure, love and cherish the Niue language. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Te wiki o Te Reo Māori

Last week was Te wiki o Te Reo Māori. At Wesley, Room 6 performed Māori games at the formal assembly such as pukana, Poi rakau and Hei tama/ Tu tama. In between each game, the other classes did their performance. Once all the performances and Māori games were finished, it was time for the house haka competition. All the houses had to perform in front of the school. The houses that were the loudest, had the best facial expressions & knew the actions were the winners. During the week, we were taught a Māori sport called Ki o Rahi. Each house played against each other to win the sports trophy. It was pretty intense watching the houses play Ki o Rahi. Everyone was wanting the sports trophy. It was really good learning new things about the Māori culture. Hopefully you've learnt something too. 

Wednesday, January 31, 2018


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